I was surprised yesterday at the announcement by the garden committee that they will be applying for the $50,000 one time grant rather than the $15,000 yearly grant from the City. It would seem to me that since the $50,000 grant is only issued one time per association, we, as a neighborhood, should think hard about what we want to use it for. And, is there actually support to justify spending that large an amount? Not for my part.
I also am concerned that after the first year of City sponsored water, each gardener will be asked to pay a fee for water. This would make it impossible for some people to participate, and reminds me of poll taxes which were put in place as exclusionary. Fencing off a large part of the park and then charging for it does not seem something appropriate for community spirit.
After hearing that the Salvation Army down the street from us is considering a community garden, I think it would be much better for us to apply for $15,000 from the City and pool it in with the SA along with neighborhood sweat and create a garden that would really encompass the vision of community.