Pat Wood, Farely Crime Watch Director reminds us to CALL 911 FIRST if you observe or suspect criminal activity.
If you delay, the criminals will not be apprehended. Marion County Sheriff's Office has also reminded us...they would rather come out to investigate immediately and be wrong than not come and have a serious crime go without investigation! Besure to give exact address or nearby address and a brief description of the incident. Note details of car, person(s) and any other information that will help the officers.
Call Pat Wood and give her the details of the incident. She will notify crime watch captains. If you don't know who your crime watch captain is, Pat can give you that info. Remember, we always need captains...consider volunteering NOW! reached at: 247- You may also email her at: You can also call her at 247-1962 from 10:00AM to 10:00PM to report problems or ask questions.
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