(We are NOT Farmgate Meadows, Villages of Farmgate, etc... This is the original Farmgate neighborhood at Beulah Church & Stone Brook)
Meetings are on the 3rd Monday of every other month at 7:00pm at Summit Heights Methodist Church. Please attend to gather information and have input on neighborhood decisions!
Zone 1 - Amy Huelsman
Zone 2 - Donna Tschoepe
Zone 3 - Lauren Ruedel
Zone 4 - Joan Willinger
Zone 5 - Rodney Zeller
Zone 6 - Cindy Simpson
Zone 7 - Gary Smith
Zone 8 - Paul Markwell
Zone 9 - Rhonda Engler
Zone10 - Andrea Jackson
Zone11 - Donnie Ray
Zone12 - Vic Peek
President - Rodney Zeller
Vice President - Joan Willinger
Treasurer - Anne Ray
Secretary - Anne Ray