Hello Neighbors!
An update to our National Night Out....Arlington won 7th place in the National ranking for cities its size! Texas had 5 cities in the top 15. Our goal is to move up another notch in 2011! We can do it. There is a video of some of Arlington's NNO's on the Pages & Links section. Check it out...maybe you're in it.
Curious about your gas lease with Carrizo? You can call 1 877-341-2699 to ask about it.
Also on our Pages & Links section, there is a link to help us win 1 million dollars to our area food banks just by clicking on the site.
Remember to watch out for your neighbors this season. Set up your lights and radio on a timer if you go out of town.
If you get/give a gift in a large box, such as a new TV, cut up the box and bag it for the trash pick up. No need to advertise that you have one...
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful 2011!
Fielder Park CWG