We'd like to thank everyone who helped pick up the inundation of litter this weekend in both grids. It wasn't too bad in Grid 10 because there are a few folks who regularly patrol for litter . . . but those 3 people shouldn't be doing all of the pick-up.
The same folks who regularly patrol Grid 10 have ventured over into Grid 18 and most of the recent clean-up for that grid has been their efforts. Ola between Linebaugh and Busch was picked up today and 2 large garbage bags of papers, wrappers, spice bottles, and wine cooler bottles were placed in the dumpster next to Chamberlain's baseball field. By the way . . . Chamberlain's dumpster is not to be utiized for personal dumping of mattresses, firniture, yard waste . . . anything that does not eminate from that school or the street right-of-way surrounding the school.
We ALL live here; we ALL should contribute to cleaning up and maintaining the right-of-ways along the streets (ESPECIALLY along the main entrances to each grid; that would be Floriland/Patbur and Ola in Grid 18, and Bougainvillea, Linebaugh, Seneca, 109th and Ola in Grid 10.
Remember, city code says that the homeowner is responsible for maintaining the right-of-ways in front of as well as behind their property. If you rent, and your landlord receives a fine for non-maintenance, you can bet he will pass the cost of that finee down to you. Sometimes, with privacy fences in place, the back right-of-way is "out of site/out of mind". But the overgrowth and excessive litter is atracting undesirable folks to our area, as evidenced by the recent increase in crime within our 2 grids. And ithe overgrowth on the outside of the privacy fences has begun to attract folks sleeping in the brush, both day and night.
Let's all do our part to keep up our property values.