Full time employees of a government
Maintenance of Roads
Professional Engineers
One level of government for us
No additional building permits required
Non-biased decision making (laws and/or ordinances)
Professional legal representation
Foxfield provides:
Part-time ''volunteer'' government ill equipped to handle the voters questions and/or problems
Poor (read no) road maintenance
Sub-Contracted engineers who have other jobs to do full time
Additional costs for us to construct additions to our house or additional buildings
Board of Trustees want to remove term limits because they are afraid no one else will run for election. Well that kind of tells you that there is no interest to stay a town except from these 7 individuals.
Attorney who helps write ordinances that he admits can not be enforced
Law suits against the citizens that may cause our insurance rates to escalate.
Full time employees of a government
Maintenance of Roads
Professional Engineers
One level of government for us
No additional building permits required
Non-biased decision making (laws and/or ordinances)
Professional legal representation
Foxfield provides:
Part-time ''volunteer'' government ill equipped to handle the voters questions and/or problems
Poor (read no) road maintenance
Sub-Contracted engineers who have other jobs to do full time
Additional costs for us to construct additions to our house or additional buildings
Board of Trustees want to remove term limits because they are afraid no one else will run for election. Well that kind of tells you that there is no interest to stay a town except from these 7 individuals.
Attorney who helps write ordinances that he admits can not be enforced
Law suits against the citizens that may cause our insurance rates to escalate.