As I think I mentioned before, I grew up in "the projects" at the west side of the Rich/Main street bridge. I was looking through some recent pictures of the neighborhood and it appears that the bridge is closed and the "projects" or Riverside Bradley as it was most recently called no longer exists. The B & T metal factory on Town & Mcdowell and all of the houses that were there have been torn down. My grandparents lived on Town & Mcdowell. All of my friends lived within a two block radius of Sullivant, Rich and Town streets, crossed by Walnut, Lucas and Cherry drive. We were all "outside kids". No matter the weather, we were always running around the river bank playing cowboys or playing "kick the can" on Walnut street behind the B&T metals company. I didn't realize it at the time but in retrospect we were all "poor to lower income". The reason I didn't know it is because we were not fashion concious and didn't care what anyone else thought because we were all in the same boat. No gangs, no crime, no racial problems. I enjoyed growing up there. My friends were the Maier's, Miller's, Taylor's, Tucker's, Cahill's and many more.