
Posted in: Cherry Avenue

Graffiti in the Cherry Ave. Neighborhood Association has been an ongoing battle for the last ten years.  The city has set up GPC company to remove it and they do a great job of matching paint better than I ever could.  The problem this year so far is that the city has allocated only $70K a month in removing it and that is more than half of what past years have been per month.  When the city hits this mark no more is removed during that month.

Of the 78 cases that I reported on January 13 only 45 have been removed.  I reported the remaining cases again on Feb. 13th of this year.  So far no more have been removed. 

I put as much pressure on our representatives as I can to make this a big priority for Tucson.  I need more help from the citizens in order for this to become fruitful.

The Police in charge of this is trying his best to help us out and he is doing an outstanding job as is ward 5.  But we need to keep on this so that it does not get out of hand.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Tim B.

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