Gran Meadows

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Gran Meadows is a residential subdivision with a flair for the original. 

You will not find "cookie cutter" homes here!  Every home is built with quality.  The neighbors are very skilled in keeping their outdoor landscapes neatly manicured, and healthy in appearance. 

Many of these homes have lovely, mature trees, and shrubs, making it a paradise for local and migratory birds.  It is not uncommon to see a few wading birds, and colorful songbirds year-round. 

If you are wishing to avoid neighborhoods with narrow streets and skinny, cheaply-planted trees, Gran Meadows does not disappoint.  The streets are quiet morning, noon, and night.  You may wave at a passing "dog-walker", or other friendly neighbors. 

Once, when a neighbor fell down in the street (tangled in her pet's leash), many neighbors were immediately on hand to offer kind assistance, providing her with water, and comfort until an ambulance arrived.  A Jacksonville  city emergency team seemed to appear without delay, and at-the-ready offering the appropriate medical attention. 

Gran Meadows is so nice to come home to at the end of a long working day.  It is nestled in Mandarin, a beautiful part of Jacksonville that still possesses a "small town feel".  What a gem of a place to call "HOME"!

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Landscaping Design

Does anyone know of a reputable landscaping design business who might need a degreed landscape architect? more
Started: January 18th 2011Replies: 2

Neighborhood-wide Yard Sales

Attention: Beachwood Subdivision - Neighborhood-wide Yard Sales Saturday October 17, 8:00am - whenever! From Beach Blvd near FSCJ campus, turn at Dunkin' donuts. (Rain date Sat Oct 24, 8am)   more
Started: October 14th 2020Replies: 0

Guardian ad Litem program needs volunteers!

Hi Neghbors!  The Guardian ad Litem program is a volunteer based State Agency and non-profit program.  Volunteers advocate for the Best Interest of children in court.  They are the one... more
Started: June 16th 2020Replies: 0

Gran Meadows Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Mortgage Insurance
Familyhome120 Buying a home with an FHA Loan? Putting less than twenty percent down? You will very likely be required to purchase FHA mortgage insurance. What Is FHA Mortgage Insurance and Who Needs It? Mortgage insurance ...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgageThrifty

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What Is The Passport Card?
Newppt_cardthumb The U.S. Government began production of the U.S. Passport Card on July 14, 2008. The passport card is a wallet-size card that can only be used for land and sea travel between the United States and Canada,...
Tags: CommunityGlossaryStaff PickTravel
How to Amend your HOA Governing Documents - 5 Tips
Docs Has your HOA implemented a rule that you disagree with? Have you been punished or fined for a rule or amendment that you didn’t know existed? If you are determined to change the rules, here are five tips ...
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