The Executive Board of the Grandview Estates Home Owner's Association is the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three board members. Each serves a one-year term with nominations and elections at the fall general meeting.
The Board holds executive meetings that are open to the entire membership at least quarterly, or at the call of the President. General membership meetings are held quarterly and are announced with the publication and delivery (email or delivery) of the Association Newsletter.
The links below provide contact information for the GEHA Board. Or, just click on any "contact a community leader" link throughout the neighborhood link pages.
Vice-President Paul Weishopl
Home: 303-840-5352
Office: 720-280-0224
Boardmember Charles Bucknam
Home: 303-804-1690
Treasurer Rich Tuttle
Home: 303-919-5069
Boardmember Sharon Stockdale
Home: 303-841-7628
Boardmember Debra Sherwood
Home: 303-841-7570