West Hills Community Association

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West Hills Community Association

West Hills ZIP codes: 21229

West Hills is another neighborhood that borders Baltimore City & County. Fortunately, the City is able to claim this gem of a community. You can tell that people care about their homes in West Hills by the manicured lawns, welcoming porch fronts and neighbors who are out and about. True to its name, West Hills has many hills providing cascading views for the residents. Divided by Cooks Lane, down the middle, West Hills offers a variety of housing types on both sides. This very affordable neighborhood is home to many life-long Baltimoreans but is the perfect place for any new resident, whether it be a first-time homebuyer, or a family upgrading to a larger space. It’s common to see children of all ages playing outside along the sidewalk. This neighborhood is also attractive to those who need to make the easy commute to the nearby airport or to Washington D.C.


We would like to extend welcomes to our New Neighbors.  We are a Convenant Community that operates by our community bylaws and by being responsible, repectful and involved.  Come out and learn what we are all about. 

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Our meetings will be held by Zoom meetings until further notice.

To receive Zoom information, please submit your email address to:



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COVID-19 Check-In

Good morning, West Hills family!   During this challenging time we need to stay in touch. Now is the time we need to come together as a community and family. I pray all is well with you.  ... more
Started: April 15th 2020Replies: 1

7:00 PM Greater West Hills Community Association...

  Greater West Hills Community Association Meeting February 25, 2019 7:00 PM.  See previous discussion notice. more
Started: February 22nd 2019Replies: 0

The Maryland Department of Transportation State...

The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) will be attending the Greater West Hills Community Association Meeting on February 25, 2019 at 7:00 PM at St. William... more
Started: February 22nd 2019Replies: 0

West Hills Community Association Real Estate and Home Values

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