Greentree Civic Association

Revitalization Working Group

Posted in: Overlook Colony
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
3:00 pm ?– 4:30 pm

A robust second working group meeting was held concerning a variety of topics. We started with a discussion of what are the priority issues facing the residents of Overlook Colony and Clearfield Village. The four that came to the top of the list were: Crime, especially flagrant illegal drug sales. Property maintenance issues and the lack of neighborhood pride and volunteerism among some residents. The ratio of renters as compared to homeowners resulting in a large transitory population that is less inclined to become vested in the community.

While the working group will begin the revitalization strategy, the was a general consensus that we must widen the net to get more residents involved. Councilman Cartier suggested that an Overlook & Clearfield communities meeting be held in early January at Rockwood. This meeting could include a facilitator. Pastor Seals recommended that an experienced neighborhood revitalization specialist be brought on board on a contractual basis to guide the working group and possibly facilitate the Rockwood meeting. A shuttle from Overlook to Rockwood may be needed and a box lunch (paid for by local businesses) should be included. A Saturday 10:30 to 12:30 timeframe was suggested.

Council Cartier mentioned that NCC Council mini-grants ($2500 max) are available and this endeavor should qualify for the funding.

Progress has been made on an Overlook/Clearfield housing database. This database utilized NCC Dept. of Land Use web based parcel search. The team working on this are in the process of identifying homeowners and renters.

There has been much discussion on the working groups meeting time. Many interested Overlook/Clearfield residents cannot make a meeting that occurs during normal working hours. The working group has decided to alternate between afternoon meetings at Discipleship of Christ Church (November, January, March, May) and evening meetings at the Claymont Community Center (October, December, February, April). The evening dates correspond with the Overlook Colony Civic Association (OCCA) off months from their bimonthly meetings.

Our next scheduled working group meeting will be held on Monday, October 15th ?– 7:00 pm at the Claymont Community Center. Please mark your calendars.

Thank you for your commitment to making a difference in this community.

Re:Revitalization Working Group

As I am not able to make many meetings due to scheduling conflicts... the MAIN issue to Overlook/Clearfield is the people who are renters. Many do not work... stay up late to party and make noise so no one is able to sleep.(the cold of Winter is a temporary fix)
These individuals who rent expect the ''land Lord'' to take care of them like they were in an apartment complex. This is not the case,they are responsible for general mantance and up keep of the unit/house they are renting. When the lazy renters(and we all know who they are)leave the neighborhood will be able to do more.

Sorry so long but been here for awhile and have observed a lot!!!!!

By Home owner
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