Greer Ranch HOA

What would you like to see...

Posted in: W Point Towne Center
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  • ginnyy
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Missing the point

I think that someone is missing the point here....this website is free!! There are a lot of areas here that the residents can utilize and put things into. The most hits the website has gotten in any month is 1300. The count can't tell if one person looked at the site 30 times or if it was 1300 different people looked at the site. My point it that at the present time there is not enough interest in a website to spend the money on one. Also, if the webmaster is not given the information (as I was not), it won't be put on the site no matter how much is spent!!
  • Stock
  • mgoss
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good question, Bob.....

I'd like to know who is speaking for the board, too. How convenient it is to become ''invisible'' to avoid anything that can be personally addressed to an individual.

I have never, and never will post any information or response on this site without identification. I challenge the board members to do the same.

Mark Goss
  • Stock
  • ginnyy
  • Respected Neighbor
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
A Newsletter

Everyone has a mailbox, not everyone has a computer. I would like to see a newsletter put out in a timely manner on a regular basis. I think I heard somewhere that there was a problem getting articles to put into a newsletter. If this is true then it just means that we live in a very apathetic neighborhood! Perhaps just a quarterly letter that would state when and where board meetings are would do.
What will it cost us?

I think it should have pretty much everything this web site has: Meeting minutes, calender of community events, ''whos who'' list with contact information, the CCRs and a chat area.

Has anyone on the council researched the cost of this new web site?

By Dave
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