Greer Ranch HOA

Enough Already

Posted in: W Point Towne Center
For the first time, I have begun reading these postings and feel compelled to respond to several issues.

WPTC consists of over 1600 homeowners, the largest in Surprise. Yet a pitiful few of you attend the monthly board meetings and at the last annual meeting the number required for a quorum was barely met (you could have returned the proxy if you were not able to attend). When a ballot was mailed regarding a change to the By-Laws, not enough of you responded (for or against) to allow the change to take place or to allow the board to know how you felt about the issue. Your board is the most liberal I have ever had the experience to work with. I could spend hours telling horror stories of other HOA's. When I return to the neighborhood where I first lived when I moved Arizona, I am shocked by the appearance of what once was a beautifully kept and maintained area, now totally run down because of the lack of an HOA. I really loved that house. How many of you volunteered to run for office during the last election?

All your board asks is for cooperation and communication. Not one of us can be in all places at once. The CC&R's are a legal binding contract which you agreed to when you purchased your home. They are there to keep the few ''bad apples'' from spoiling the rest of the neighborhood. If you see a violation, report it. Don't expect the property management company or your Board members to be your ears and eyes. Remember, too, that many of the ''rules'' you complain about are in fact city ordinances. Stop complaining, stop making excuses and stop thinking you are ''above the law'' and start working together.

For the person who is complaining about the playground equipment - I'd love for you to post your name and address on this site so I can report you for child abuse. That's right - anyone who would continue to allow their child to play on what is obviously (according to you) unsafe equipment is negligent and should be brought up on charges. I know this for a fact - I used to work in the business of child welfare.

An inspection was recently done on all playground equipment and I am confident that the board will have any necessary repairs taken care of. It's not even logical that they wouldn't - why would they deliberately want to open themselves up for any liability issues? If a particular piece of equipment is dangerous to your child, maybe you're not smart enough to realize that that particular piece of equipment may not be age appropriae for your child. Perhaps if some parents took more responsibility for knowing where their children are and what they are doing there would be much less vandalism and repairs to the common areas would be limited to normal wear and tear. But then again, we can't legislate common sense and morals, so we'll just have to put up with the few ''bad apples'' that will continue to spoil things for the rest of us.

If I felt confident that I wouldn't have to put up with rotten eggs being thrown at my house I would be more than happy to sign my name but since we can't legislate behavior I will be forced to sign this as -- Anonymous
I agree!

First off, I think we have a serious problem with all these anonymous posts. It appears that people can threaten, mock and slander each other easily while hiding as anonymous. Is there anything that can be done to force people to use their real names? I think this will help scaring some bullies away.

As for the woman who complains about the playground equipment. Are you the same person who was complaining in another area because you were too lazy to wheel your garbage can in? It appears you have serious issues with abiding by the rules. You like to complain about this and that but have you done anything about it besides complain? You seem like a miserable person and if you do decide to sell your home please let the rest of us know.

As the person previously said, why the heck would you allow a small child play on equipment that YOU deem a liability? Do you allow your child to play with a knife?

By Tracey Gosden
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I admire you!

Tracey!! You have courage. Excellently said! Amen...
  • Stock
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I agree, too......

I have to absolutely agree with the statements I've seen.

If the energy spent complaining about each problem seen in the neighborhoods could be redirected from this website, and into a proactive and positive approach, it would take care of a lot of arguments and blame placing. Each resident sees his/her concern in their own neighborhood. Common sense needs to prevail when our kids are involved: if it's not safe, keep the kids away from it and report it immediately.

As residents of WPTC, it is up to each and every one of us to take care of problems noticed. We all have the means and responsibility to report violator's to the property management company and district representatives. If one person chooses to sit by and wait for somebody else to take care of a concern, then that one person is in the wrong.

Bottom line: if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Let's set the example, folks, and make WPTC a community we can be proud to call home and raise our family's in.

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