Greer Ranch HOA

common sense

Posted in: W Point Towne Center
I have read thru many of these postings lets use common sense. Common areas pose a threat to not only the safety but liability of all members of the HOA. Should injuries occur or damages result the ultimate responsibilty lies proportionally with all members of the community. it is much easier the have the phone number of the fire department taped to the phone than look it up when you smell smoke.

There are contracts in place to maintain the landscape and if there is a problem I imagine that a phone number is available that can be called to fix a problem. I HOPE that a contract exists to maintain all common area facilities from light bulbs to a plumber for irrigation problems. An intelligent person prepares for all possible problems. I wonder if the HOA has the phone number of LUKE AFB should one of the many fighter jets crashes in the developement (remote but possible)I commend the person for questioning WHY playground is left unrepaired. I would imagine that it is under warranty, But at the very least we should have manufactures info ON FILE FOR EVERYTHING so that costs can be minimized and downtime kept to a minimum.

I know when i purchase anything I retain the warranty info should a problem occur I can get it resolved quickly I expect no less from you.


By tony
Where's yours?

Of course there are people under contract and/or available for maintainence and repair. Do you really think that the Board or the property management company ignore safety issues? Do you really think they don't have warranty information available and a list of licensed contractors to contact? As for your analogies to the Fire Department and Luke Air Force Base, where's your common sense. I don't think the HOA would have to call the base if a plane crashed. I think the Air Force would figure that out for themselves. And I sure wouldn't call the Fire Department if my house caught on fire. In either instance I'd simply dial 911.
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good one!

Yeah! The board could use one of their special, emergency, direct-line red phones and call the base commander if one of those jets crashed into my house!! Exactly what I expect from the board!! I'd better get immediate attention from the HOA and would expect to see the entire board at my house with their construction belts on fixing it up for me. I'd expect the female member of the board to cook all my dinners for me while I endured this inconvenience. Then if my house wasn't up to par within a few weekends, I'd sue the HOA. While we're at it....what else do people want from the board!
Lets use real common sense

Since everyone would rather sue for money than get off their fat lazy butts and work for a living let us use some real common sense.

We need to completely close down all our commmon areas. No one should be allowed to walk in the walkways, use the playground equipment or bbq. This way, the hoa won't be responsible for anyones lack of common sense.

While we are at it, we should probably get rid of cars, trucks, busses, trains, planes, sidewalks, electricity, water, hot drinks, etc. etc. All of these are liabilities and since there are too many stupid people in this world, the rest of us don't want to deal with it.

The safest thing for all the stupid people to do is sit in their homes, in the dark so that can injure no one but themselves.

Next time you seen an alien space ship come, please leave your shotgun inside. They might be here to take me home.
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