Greer Ranch HOA

Vehicles and Parking

Posted in: W Point Towne Center
sticks and stones

so you are planning suing everyone who disagrees with you. let me be the first to wish you good luck. i hope the hoa fines you for all your violations so when you do sell your house you won't have any money left over because the hoa will take it all. what is your address again?
Then leave

Your threat of court proceedings has me shaking in my boots, and I'm not even the person who wrote the letter you are responding to! I guess that I can't make an input that you don't agree with, or else you will take me to Judge Wampner. Now let's see, if you say something I don't agree with, do I take you to Judge Judy? If you received your property in a settlement, then someone did you a dis-service by not informing you that there are expected norms of behavior in this neighborhood as stated by the CC&R's. If you choose to ignore them, then it may take longer for you to sell. If your neighbor decides to change an engine in his car in the front yard (because he chooses to ignore the CC&R's as you do), then again it may take a little longer to sell your house. Personally, I hope that you and your neighbors adhere to the CC&R's so that you have the good fortune of selling your house and moving as soon as possible, just as you wish.
common sense or sue

After reading the way the board handles such mundane violations I wish i had reams of small claims lawsuits to hand out to the injured parties. When the board is tied up in the court system and tied up personally for EXCEEDING their auhority than and only then will they get off their power trip and realize if you act unreasonably there is a stiff price to pay.

By litigate

I have lived in WPTC for four years now and I never park my car on the street...Yet I have recieved letter from the HOA stating that I was in violation for cars parked in front of my house.
These cars were not even mine, they were mostly friends of neighbors, and a few neighbors cars as well.
I wrote to Patty and she cleared it from my file...
My problem is that there are still cars being parked on the streets, some blocking mail boxes, some that cause a blind spot to on-coming traffic and kids riding bikes, parked ''ON'' the sidewalks...etc...
How come for the past four years that I have been here these cars have been allowed to be constantly parked on the street...
David stated, quote:''The Board of Directors is inforcing street parking as well. No vehicles of any kind shall be parked on a street. This is for safety issues among other things.''
If come they are still being allowed to be parked in the street...?

By Max
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