Greer Ranch HOA

broken ushomes playground

Posted in: W Point Towne Center
Well, let's see.....

Sure, I'll explain. It was rude. Anonymous wrote in caps that it should be fixed IMMEDIATELY and SOMEONE FIX IT...that's basically the same as yelling. Do I need to explain the obvious even more? Take that for what it is, condescending or not. I don't really care. Skating around issues with pleasantries has never been my thing. You want something done??? Use a polite and tactful way to get it done and you'll get much better results. Oh...and why the anonymous post?

By Laura
Laura's Vision


Polite and tactful? Obviously this is not somthing that you are considersing when you state '' I don't really care''. My commets are for your benefit, please try and take advantage of a obective point of view.

As far as the anonymous post, are you really that concerned? Is it important to know who generated the comment? If so respond with your last name and I will do in kind.

Thank you.
get real

Don't bother commenting for ''my'' benefit. I don't need a mentor. I simply stated my opinion just as you stated yours. Fair enough? Let that be the end of this.

By Laura
Laura's Choice

That's fine. Just gives a person something to think about next time.

Thank You and Good Bye.
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