When are Civic Club meetings taking place? I dont see anything on the monthly flyer-I have an idea, but would like to be sure. The After-hours club on Fuqua is still open-and I am sure most people dont care-until someone gets killed by a drunk driver leaving that establishment. Mayor Turner and the Police Chief want to crack down on gangs and DWIs-well they should start off by shutting these places down and/or asking TABC or whoever to stop issuing afterhours permits. I have been by this place (on my way to work at 5-6 a.m.)-and believe me, based on what I have seen, these are not honors students from RICE gathering at "VAMP" (afterhours bar). Quite the opposite, but if you stay indoors all day and dont venture far from your front yard-who cares, right. We also need community leaders to step up-either lead or get out of the way-JG