In late September several members of the HMCAI board and the Molkery Committee toured the Molkery construction site and were excited to see the progress up close. The number of structural members added to keep the building standing for the duration is quite impressive. The total project is approximately 65% complete at this time. Electrical is 75% complete. Window restoration is 100% complete. Exterior painting is close to completion. Because the underground sewer and other excavation work took longer than expected, the sod will not be installed this fall, as originally planned. The exterior hardscape (concrete walks, ramps, steps, etc.) is almost complete and the irrigation will be installed this fall but cannot be turned on until spring when the weather is more consistently balmy. In case anyone noticed, the railings on the south have been removed (as of the beginning of November) in order to repair the decking on the porch. The cupola is being fabricated in the shop and should be installed sometime around Thanksgiving (after this printing). Hopefully someone will have taken pictures of this event. There have been some unforeseen additions to the project scope that may result in a higher project cost, including the sanitary sewer and the Fire Department?’s alarming system that was more expensive than anticipated.
One remaining unresolved issue involves permitting the building once it is completed. When private events are scheduled at the Molkery there will need to be someone to host the event, oversee cleanup and make sure the alarms and locks are taken care of properly.
Mark Upshaw wondered if there was anyone (or more than one person) from the neighborhood who would be interested in taking this on as a part time job.
You can email us at if this sounds interesting to you.