The collaborative's area of service corresponds with the attendance zone of Hagginwood Elementary School. The collaborative estimates that the population is 54% White,19% Hispanic,13%Asian/Pacific Islander, and 14% African-American.The neighborhood is one of Sacramento's oldest and has a large retirement age population.
Twenty-five percent of the approximate 6,000 residents are less then nine years old. Nearly fifty-three percent of the children live in poverty. Seventeen percent of the population is under the age of six and fifty-three percent of the students at Hagginwood Elementary are in pre-school through second grade.
The collaborative was formed in 1994 by members of the Hagginwood Elementary School Gun and Drug-Free zone Coalition.The membership,comprised of a diverse group of neighborhood citizens,prides itself on its informal,yet structured and inclusive decision-making. Approximately seventy people form the core of the membership.The Leadership Team is comprised of the Board of Directors and the Leader of each committee.
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The Hagginwood Community Collaborative is a grass-roots community building association focused on organizing friends and neighbors to create a healthier community.Our goal is to identify and mobilize the strengths of neighbors and friends,associations, and Institutions.
The Hagginwood Community Collaborative is involved with and sponsors many community projects.We are involved in grass-roots activities and local and regional policy issues.The Hagginwood Community Collaborative sponsors block parties in the community and have helped residents start a soccer league.In addition,we have sponsored a Dental Sealant project for children,been involved on a regional level with Prop.10,and worked to secure funding to rehabilitate our community center.
Everyone in the community has some gift to offer,skill to teach others,or just something they do well.These skills are as diverse as the people in the neighborhood.
What would you like to do to make your neighborhood a better place?
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