OK, just a quick response. Our flag and many others were out, our's is on a pole, lit at night, and was flown half staff from dawn until sunset on 9/11. For all of us FREE Americans, it's our right and choice to fly a flag. I think everyone should, but I guess it's a personal choice.
On the yardsale turnout.....I work weekends and through the week, as do most of us. Just because I didn't "get my stuff" together doesn't make me a non-participater! Maybe I just didn't have enough stuff I wanted to get rid of!
For the record.......WE ARE ALL THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION! There's NO ONE to blame but OURSELVES for lacking efforts in the neighborhood. There have been several of us for QUITE A FEW years that have attempted to bring in volunteers and spike an interest in participation in our neighborhood. We've done the flyers, many times!
It takes time to try and recruit neighbors to help. To get folk to just simply pay their $30.00 dues.......You'd think it was a mortgage! A couple years ago, it became exhausting! Defeating, and down right depressing. All we got for our efforts were folks coming to meetings and screaming at us. Collecting the dues were like pulling teeth........$30.00.....ONCE A YEAR! THAT'S 0.082 CENTS A DAY! The one person I'd like to give a pat on the back is "grove". The records were a mess when we got them, now they're upkept, P.O. box is always checked plus much more. Just to get dues notices out requires many hours of "team work".....LETS GET A TEAM TOGETHER AND GET IT DONE! The funds are dwindling, and the dues will kick up again! But there will always be the ones that set back, and say "WHAT'S MY $30.00 GONNA DO FOR ME".....it will do for the community, the upkeep of entrances and "270" land, WHICH IS OURS!
I'm done. Reading all these messages for a week has finally taken it's toll. I feel better now! Thanks for reading...hugabbey