Hello Neighbors!
It is my hope this website will be helpful in bringing people together.
It would have made communication a lot easier during the recent redistricting process, but undoubtedly school issues will arise and this site should be very useful next time around.
There is a lot of interest in developing a neighborhood park. Please watch your mailbox for a survey and return it promptly.
Also, return your directory form so we can get an updated version together ASAP. There have been a lot of new neighbors and babies since the last one was printed.
Add this site to your ''favorites'', check it regularly and get involved in neighborhood activities!
It is my hope this website will be helpful in bringing people together.
It would have made communication a lot easier during the recent redistricting process, but undoubtedly school issues will arise and this site should be very useful next time around.
There is a lot of interest in developing a neighborhood park. Please watch your mailbox for a survey and return it promptly.
Also, return your directory form so we can get an updated version together ASAP. There have been a lot of new neighbors and babies since the last one was printed.
Add this site to your ''favorites'', check it regularly and get involved in neighborhood activities!