Highland Lakes South

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The Highland Lakes South Official Website can be found here HighlandLakes-South.org


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Grab & Go Meals for Westerville Kids

The Westerville City School District has arranged for children in our area to receive "Grab & Go" breakfast and lunch each weekday during this extended school closure. District buses and vans... more
Started: March 20th 2020Replies: 0

On being a good neighbor…

We live in neighborhoods sometimes for years taking our neighbors for granted, often never realizing the ''people next door'' can become our greatest ally, or our most vocal opposition. They have... more
Started: May 16th 2007Replies: 1

False information posted

Unfortunately someone is using our web page to make false and slanderous comments about indivuals in McDot Farms. People who want to use this discussion page should abide by the terms of the... more
Started: February 2nd 2008Replies: 1

Highland Lakes South Real Estate and Home Values

See the Latest Real Estate Information about this Neighborhood

Instant Home Value

$8,000 First Time Home Buyers Tax Credit
Tax_returnsm Who qualifies for the $8,000 first time homebuyers tax credit and the details of how first-time homebuyers can qualify for this unprecedented opportunity are the subjects of this article. The Tax Credit for...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Prevent Carbon Monoxide Exposure
Co2detectsm Learn the causes and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and the simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your family. Each year 20,000 Americans visit emergency rooms for exposure to carbon...
Questionnaires: Taking the Pulse of the Community
Qmarks_th The questionnaire is an invitation to all members of the association to voice their opinions and preferences regarding how the community association has evolved and continues to grow. Your association wants to ...
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