Highline Meadows Fellows

Poor Sheep In A Field

Posted in: Highline Meadows Fellows




Here at Highline Meadows we are nothing more than poor sheep in a field with no information, hidden agenda's, no votes, wasted spending in a whirl wind of deception, cooking of the books, mismanagement and corruption which exist in our little state of dictatorship ran by people who are not duly elected and being bamboozled by Denise and the TMMC money sucking Machine.



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Highline Meadows Condo Association

Highline Meadows Condo Association 50 East Highline Circle Arapahoe Condo 298/20 buildings
BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Name: Alan Saval Vice President Name: Steve Mericle Secretary Name: Brad Larson Treasurer Name: Scott Hommas Member at Large Name: Kerry Miller Ex-President Name: STEINHAUSER, THOMAS J Ex-Vice President Name: MORGENTHALER, DANIEL R Ex-Member at Large Name: STARR, DAVID A Name:
ASSOCIATION ATTORNEY Michale Roads-Attorney for HMCA 2460 West 26th Avenue,Ste 20-C Denver, CO 80211 303-458-1219

PROPERTY MANAGER TMMC Property Management 401 S Wilcox St Castle Rock, CO 80104 (303) 985-9623

ACC CHAIRMAN Denise Haas - Property Manager TMMC Property Management (303) 985-9623

Condo Certs/ Homeowners 80122 1.03 Million Dollars Dix & Barrett- 2006 only
39 (based on 1 ratings)

As multiple rating become registered their ratings will be averaged together for a composite rating.

Perfect rating 125 to 150. Great HOA

Average rating 75 concern to be taken when purchasing a unit rated average.

Any rating below 75 could indicate problems within the management of HOA.

Following are all the ratings for given HOA.

By: Joe Friday

For: Highline Meadows Condo Association

Rated: 05/01/2009

1 is (LOW) 5 is (HIGH).

  1. What is your relationship with your Board of Directors? High or low rating?
  2. How knowledgeable are the Directors of the Bylaws and Covenants?
  3. Do the Directors follow the Bylaws in the management of the Association?
  4. Are the minutes of monthly meetings published in the monthly newsletter or website?
  5. Do the members attend the monthly Director's meetings?
  6. Does your Treasurer perform the collection of Delinquent Assessments? High rating or does the Association Attorney perform collections Low rating.
  7. Has your HOA/CO-OP made an effort to work with the delinquent members in getting their assessments collected before turning the account over for collection? If yes high rating If no give a low rating.
  8. How easy is it for the membership to review the association financial books?
  9. Are the books/financial records updated and well organized?
  10. What is your opinion of the Property Management Company?
  11. Does the Property Manager control the association or does the Board of Directors runs the association High rating. or Property manager Low rating
  12. Who issues the Transfer Certificates for a sale or refinancing of a Unit, the management company Low rating or the Treasurer of the Association high rating?
  13. Are the fees for the Transfer Certificates paid to the Association (high rating) or the Management Company (low rating)?
  14. Are you pleased with the actions of the ACC.
  15. Is the ACC a friendly committee to work with the membership?
  16. Are the ACC's rules developed with the membership participation?
  17. Is the ACC fair with the membership and operate within the rules of the HOA?
  18. Does a real ACC committee exists and operates by approving changes requested by owners and votes on violations against members? High rating if yes and low rating if no.
  19. Does your HOA publish a newsletter on a regular bases? High rating yes low rating no.
  20. How easy is it for a member to submit a letter to be published in the newsletter or on the website?
  21. Are elections held open to the membership with candidates elected by the membership or does a small clique of a few control the elections with proxies? Rate high if by the membership low if by a few
  22. Are the membership accounting records maintained and a financial statement provided the membership monthly?
  23. Has your HOA tried to reduce the legal fees charged by the Association attorney?
  24. Has the annual budget been well managed?
  25. Has the management by the Board of Directors been a good influence on the property values of the Association?
  26. Do you or other members feel they are harassed by the Board of Directors or the ACC?
  27. Is the Property Manager a member of the CAI? (Community Association Institute) If yes low rating if no high rating.
  28. Is the Association Attorney a member of the CAI? (Community Association Institute) If yes low rating if no high rating.
  29. Does your Board of Directors manage your HOA by motion and vote of all actions taken at scheduled monthly meetings with a quorum and record their votes in the minutes of all board meetings?
  30. Are your Directors rotated with new members or do they seem to get reelected for long terms. Long terms low rating short terms high rating.
    We have a Board of Directors which are being controlled and bamboozled by Denise Haas with TMMC.

    I have lived at this Highline Meadows complex for 20 years as it has started to fall apart and the roofs are still leaking. We have been slammed with Two 1/4 million dollar assessments for two years now as the Board of Directors will not cut cost and use every penny of our money with "NO RESERVES".

    They want to enforce a 3-4 Million Dollar Assessment now to Replace the roofs, fix the wiring issues in the town homes, rebuild the garages and paint the buildings. The place is looking like a Ghetto as each year the Budget pays for 120K for Two on site maintenance personnel a Specialist contractors for Plumbing, Electrical, Lights, Pool, Landscape, Lift Station, Paint and a fleet of lawyers

    Our Roofs are leaking in almost all 20 building for the last ten years, we have paid 3 special assessments and had 9 increases in dues for the 298 owners of this complex as this place falls apart and TMMC demands more money to keep feeding it to there fleet of Hindman Sanchez lawyers and third party contractors.

    They would love to sue you and take all your money if they can.

    This is a Huge Money making operation for TMMC and their contractors as they suck off all our monies and leave us with leaking roofs, pot holes and paint chipping everywhere.

    We are 350K in accounts receivable, we cant see the books and go through almost a Million dollars a year and we all live in Centennials only Ghetto which is falling apart and we deal with Asbestos's. The Board will not inform buyers of the Asbestos's and has been caught removing it without following guidelines. The roofs Bleed from leaks which causes damage to the ceilings and walls as up to 15% Asbestos's can be found in the Popcorn insulation.

    The Board of Directors will not inform the community and new buyers of our problems and money issues as they spend all our money and rattle the cages of anyone who voices their opinion as this Unduly elected board is directed by Denise Haas and TMMC.

    There is no chance of getting any voice by vote since a majority quorum cannot be met for ten years now and we have no say in anything at this complex.

    There are several cases in A county District court: Here is one: J & S Investments 07-CV 2392

    The Board of Directors has spend thousands of dollars on this case and may only recover a percentage of these monies. They have now a different lawyer as the case will go on year two in the Arapahoe County District court system. The monies come from the paying homeowners as we are 350K in accounts receivable.

    It has gotten so bad at this Community that us "Sheep in a Field" have no say in any matters as an Unduly elected Board and TMMC control us, control our monies, control our rules and control our demising future.
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