Highline Meadows Fellows

Looking for residents to attend the monthly board meetings

Posted in: Highline Meadows Fellows

Board meetings are held every month, and have been for many years. Even in the Pandamic when things moved online.


ALL owners are encouraged to attend so they actually are up to date on ALL information on where their hard earned money goes and is not wasted.


Monthly meetings are held in person and on Zoom so everyone has the option to attend. No one is left out by the board, only by personnel choice.


All finances are in the open EVERY meeting and EVERY member can download a copy for their review every month. Nothing is behind closed doors. The records are accessable online 24/7, as are the meeting minutes showing everything discussed.


Board members are all volunteers and donate their time and are NOT PAID a cent.

All future business is discussed in every board meeting and input from owners is encouraged. Records are online for all owners to investigate on their own.


There is an open fourm in each meeting and all owners are encouraged to voice their opinion and inform the board where their may be need or lack.


Unfourtinatly MOST owners do not attend any meetings, out of 300 members only an average of 2 attend per month. Despite prior email invites to all owners, and public postings in all common areas and mailboxes every month.


This is sad that many people voice their concern publicly but never attend any meetings. They are willfully blind due to their non participation.


Highline Meadows Fellow is the most vocal online, but has only attended 1 of the possible 12 meetings in 2022, and zero so far in 2023, so sad to see this willfully blind individule claim to see so much, but wont open his eyes to what is in front of him, so typical.


Highline Meadows Fellow can be sharp and articulate and an asset to the community, but chooses to use his sharpness to cut down the very place he lives instead of build it up. Makes no sense why someone would want to do that to his own home................I guess he likes trashing the very place he chooses to lay his head.


Nothing is perfect, and Highline Meadows is no exception, but the progress that has been made over the last several years is amazing. Their was a puppet Board to the former Management Company many years ago. But that board was replaced and the Management Company kicked out and then the work began. The current board went from deeeeeeeep water to a place of firmer footing. The damage from the prior board and management company was vast due to the number of years they operated together, so the current board had a very large hole to fill up. But that is in the past now and the sins of the past can guide the current board on what not to do. And can serve as a reminder to the owners to activly participate in the monthly meetings and the community so this never happens again.


We have come so very far as a community, working together (those that have done so) lets not look back, only forward.




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We know its you Steve the president of the HOA. Why do you hide when you know all the facts are here

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