To preserve and enhance the character of the area defined in Article I as a desirable historic old town neighborhood;
To maintain the integrity, aesthetics, and predominately residential character of the area and its historic structures;
To protect the environment and natural features of the area;
To encourage persons to buy, restore, and improve homes in the area;
To prevent intrusions which are destructive to the character of the area;
To promote neighborliness;
To assist the City of Suwanee in incorporating the tenets of the Old Town Suwanee Master Plan adopted by the City Council in February 2002;
To provide a voice for the neighborhood before city government on issues of importance to the residents;
To maintain liaison with governing bodies so as to influence decision making and remain alert to actions that are of concern to the community;
To exercise vigilance in zoning matters, so that the rights and interests of the majority of the residents are protected;
To inform and educate the citizens of cogent community issues;
To promote the general welfare of the community; and
To preserve and enhance the historical heritage of Suwanee and maintain its unique residential character for future generations