The annual meeting is Thursday April 11, 2002 7:30 PM at Raintree Country Club 8600 Raintree Lane. If you are unable to attend the annual meeting and would like to return your Duke prepayment vote in advance, please return the signed and marked ballot to Pam James at 9304 Percy Court by 6 PM on Thursday April 11. A duplicate ballot is attached but only 1 vote per lot
In addition to the Duke prepayment vote, we need a nomination to the Board (2 years) to replace Jim Welch, whose term expires at the annual meeting. Jim has managed the utility transfer from Cunnane Group to HHF HOA and recommends a YES vote on the Duke prepayment. THANK YOU JIM, for sharing your construction knowledge and experience to benefit HHF HOA and all of us.
In the future, the Board needs the open position to manage the landscaping. Please notify Pam James or Tom Bowers before the meeting, if you are interested in joining us on the Board. The Board usually meets less than once/month for about 90 minutes. Positions on the Board have been determined by the current Board and could change with a new Board.