After speaking to a neighbor last night I decided to go online and try to find Houston Acres website to contact her, as well as find out what various things are going on in the neighborhood.
Im afraid I found this website very difficult to use. I use the internet quite a lot, and consider myself pretty internet savvy, and I'm having trouble finding any information on this site.
Do any of the board memebers have facebook sites? I thought maybe making a Houston acres Facebook page would not only make discussions a million times easier, but it would also allow neighbors to chat every day if they wanted. It would also allow people to get to know each other much much better. It's very easy to use. Even someone who isn't internet savvy I believe could take part in a Facebook page for the the city,
Does anyone think this might be a good idea? I'd be happy to set up a facebook page for the city. They're very easy to make, and very easy to join. And facebook is very people friendly. I think it would really help neighbors get to know each other much better.
Thanks for listening, I just hope someone see's this. ?