Lynn Phelan from the University of Houston Downtown taught a class on "Inside the Correctional System". In the two hour class alot of information was passed on to all in the class such as it did not make any different what prison a prisoner served time in, he had to be transported to Huntsville to be processed for release.
When the class was over we all made our way to the bus that was waiting for us. Some rushed out to get the front seats, just to be told by Officer Garcia that the front row was taken. This was because Officer Garcia played a game of Trivia by asking questions on subjests that was covered in the class. If you knew the answer you raised your hand and if you were correct he had prizes that were donated by merchants and organizations. This made the bus trip alot of fun.
We had lunch in Huntsville at the main cafe on the square and then toured the Prison Museum before heading to the Walls Unit. Once at the Prison we all had to turn in our ID with picture and be scanned just incase someone was packing a rod. We first went into an area where we were given the history and information on the prison. We toured the death chamber, the recreation area and where the mechanic shop, printing shop and textile mill was before running out of time. It was a fun filled day and everyone seemed to have had a good time.