Evening traffic is a total mess this year on Londonderry and even out into Tyvola blocking one lane both directions. Apparently there are hundreds of parents picking up students this year. Way more than ever before. They need to redirect the traffic line up down Chedworth off Londonderry so that our residents have safe passage and alternatives around the mess. They are even looking at having one grade line up from Tyvola at back entrance to the school. The drivers have been asked to not block driveways which is a problem for anyone on the even side of Londonderry trying to get out during the line up. Cars are going up and down the only open lane often ending up in a face off. Yesterday a giant dump truck came through Chedworth and another car was coming down the wrong side of the road. That car was able to squeeze in where an open driveway was located, but not without having a horn blown at them for fear they were cutting lines. If CMS and CMPD do not get a grip on this evening traffic someone is going to be injured in a traffic accident. The reason there is no traffic lights along Tyvola other than Wedgewood is there is NO Turn lanes. Cars lining up on Tyvola and trying to funnel into Londonderry is a Major accident waiting to happen. The good news is the line moves really quickly when they start letting the children out.
I saw my 3rd school bus running stop signs in the neighborhood this am. Report them to CMS transportation. Last year end of season I thought we had one bus running stops. They did it every day. It turned out to be two buses. They did correct after being reported.