We are working hard to make sure that the community feels good about how their dues are spent over the year. Our records are an open book. A few folks have complained that we are not disclosing where the money is being spent. Fact is that we are struggling to have an actual budget because of all the past due bills that we are trying to take care of. So far in the six months we have been on board, we have paid several thousand in past due and current bills. Some examples are: $4,500 for common area insurance, $6,600 to LG&E (approx $1,100 mo), $7,000 in landscaping (current and past due), $1,300 in bank fees for bad checks and reinstatement.
Anytime a member in good standing of Spring Falls HOA would like to see the expenditures, please contact our treasurer at springfallstreasurer@live.com to make arrangements to review. We will be posting the first six months of income and expenditures on the website by the end of January. It will be located on the community pages side of the front page.
Dan Chesser, President
Spring Falls Homeowners Association