Iroquois Civic Club & Neighborhood Association

verbal abuse towards elderly and disabled neighbors

Posted in: Iroquois Civic Club
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  • HELLO2
  • Respected Neighbor
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

What is wrong or going on in Scottdale Subdivision??? I have had my full of the verbal abusive talk that is coming our way! My word people it is january and I walk outside to look at the snow while my husband is working on a small project in the driveway, and WHAM, one of you, you know who you are, if you only realized what your doing, you are bluntly or I would say purposley verbally abusing us, yes the disabled and elderly, we were in our own driveway up by the house, and here it goes again, usually it is the younger guy next door yes he hangs with this guy,this guys is way younger than us and is plainly ussuing it for his advantage, this guy is verbally holloring cuss words at us. It was sunday jan 31-2010,I observed when we were outside our home, I seen him coming up the street walking, next thing not a hello or neighborly hello, no it was HELL wha the HELL are you doing and he said this with my husbands name in the sentence. My husband answered polightly as usual, and kept on working,my husband is a man of god,a very kind man,not one to cuss back at all,. But this day I had enough I asked my husband what was wrong with that guy? He is at least 15 years younger than my husband,and wouldn't do this to someone of equal size I now.It is clear cut abuse, and i am tuired of it and very upset over this. We overlooked it, then five minutes later the same guy and a helper were lifting a couch for someone across the street that had left it in the vacant house, then this man he really went to far, people let me know what you think is to far, he looked at me,me only,I was standing behind my a good 10 feet by the house my husband was in the driveway only because I had a feeling this guy would say or verbally cuss at my husband again I was cold and I am damn mad,and right for staying out there until my husband was done with his project, I was so so right for waiting then low and behold he this guy our neighbor came out of the house across the street and was carrying the couch with his little helper, he got to the end of that driveway, and stopped and looked at ME,just ME, and said now don't think I stole the damn thing I bought it!  And meanly walked on down the street with it to his house. Now can anyone tell me what that was all about??? I have no idea, it is january we come outside for 20 minutes and get verbally abused and cussed at and basically threatened,I didn't care if he was stealing it or bought it, it is the reason why would he imply we would call the police on him??? I was told by one of the heads of the assciation he is the biggest  tale teller around,But thats besides the point of what he is doing to us, he is abusing my husband,it has happened before,to my husband he is just now telling me, now me, we are elderly my husband older than me and I myslef am disabled. I don't deserve this while standing in my own yard, he wouldn't like it if we went to his home and said soething like that to his wife, no he wouldn't like it at alll!!!! So it is a claer cut case of elder abuse and it had better stop!!! I know my rights!!! I could say more,but afraid of retaliation. I did ask the young nice helper that was helping him carry the couch to his house,wwhen I later saw him on the road, I asked him the boy,I asked was this other guy  mad at us for some reason,we are neigbors,never before until resently he started this we have been here quite a few years. The boy polightly said no that he was in a bad mood. And was that way, I didn't quite believe that since this guy never approached me that abusively before? But probally he is that way when mad, but this guy has no right to abuse us everytime he sees us outside our home, i feel the new young boy he hangs with is fillig him full of gossipping lies. That shows the type of people you are the way you act, we are reserved christian people,not used to being cxussed out and accused of calling someone a theif when we were working in our own yard. This isn't the first time, al others were agained my husband, now it's directed towards me, and we have decided we are spaeaking out we are tired of it. If you are out in youtr yard you should not be subject to cruel words,threats, curse words directed at you. Does anyone agree?? Well Should me as a disabled person be upset and subject to this threatening accuasations.. Why can't people be  kind to their neighbors, we worked hard to buy our home, some others may not care, it is not right for us to walk outside our home and be subect to such unwanted accusations. And I don't care if that is the way he is, he should get anger counseling we don't weant it and don't derserve it no one does, we bought this home to live out the rest of ourlives in peacfully, and I do hope you read this and this will put your accusations, curse words ect to and end at least towards us and other to i do pray, I will not and can't get into any trouble for posting this,it is freedom of speech,my right, I merely want peace in my neighbor hood and at my home when I' am outside, no one I repeat no one should have to be harrassed like this, this has been ongoing, first with my husband, this  guy and another young guy neighbor are the worst,now he has moved to me, the disabled one, no no one knows that i'm disabled, I try to get around with my health problems without everyone knowing I'm disabled,can't help my physical illness, but shouldn't have to tell others to get  treated with decency. Yes I could go downtown and complain, but thought posting this would hopefully solve it. Apparently this guy was raised with no common sense? Sorry I shouldn't say that, but the rebel flag he hangs on his home says something, what is he trying to exploit? I don't care, I never have said a word bad to him,only kind words and expect the same back to me and my husband. There's to much wishy washy false things happening around here anymore, why is this guy so full of hatred, my father seen him a few weeks back, and asked me what's wrong with him, I asked why did he say anything to you? My father said no, he said it was his body language,the way he walked towards him when he got out of his car,,he scared my father, now if a 74 year old man who has neve rmeet a person before, can read that, then something is wrong. My guess this guy isn't all that bad i haven't spoken to him many times nicley, maybe he is mad about something , but we just are to old and i have health issues to have to worry about being harrassed ect when we walk out of our front door, the guy is always walking past which is fine, but kind words would do only,"thank you!

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