Keep Columbus Beautiful staff members and volunteers attend numerous civic events and festivals throughout the year to promote the program and inform the public about environmental opportunities. Information about organizing cleanups, recycling drop-off locations, or refuse service is made available to residents in their own neighborhoods. Staff and volunteers are happy to greet residents and discuss issues.
Keep Columbus Beautiful promotes several events through activities or media relations. Some of these events include:
Keep America Beautiful Month (April):
Focus on litter prevention and collection through the Great American Cleanup.
Keep Columbus Beautiful Award Ceremony (May):
Our way of thanking our many volunteers and supporters each year.
Recycle, Ohio! Month (November):
Promoting the ease and importance of recycling in our community.
America Recycles Day (November 15):
One day to focus on recycling opportunities and buying recycled products.
Keep Columbus Beautiful plans to produce a four-page newsletter in 2000 targeting Columbus neighborhoods with our message of recycling, litter prevention and beautification.
For more information about awareness activities, please call Keep Columbus Beautiful at 645-8027.