The following are dates for the neighborhood meetings: April 17, May 15, June 19. All meetings will be at the Gill Community Center, beginning at 7PM unless notified otherwise.
--June 1-8--Aug 6-13
Refresher classes are May 26 and July 20 Reminder Refresher classes can be taken by anyone who has completed one year of service. After completion you may ride with a police officer. They usually start at 6 pm and go until 9 pm, but 8 hours are required.
WE BADLY NEED A COP REPRESENTATIVE: Due to the fact that Ms. Southard graciously accepted the position of Association Secretary, it becomes necessary for her to vacate the COP coordinator, which she has. I would appreciate it if someone would volunteer to fill the position unfilled. Let me know at the 12 Dec meeting or give me a call at my home, 674-0295.
We believe the membership list is pretty much up to date now. Postal cards were mailed to all addresses carried on the membership rolls which reflected a membership date of 2005 or older requesting the members intentions, ie. renew membership or be dropped from the rolls. Responses were requested by 21 April 2006. It appears we now have approximately 250 paid members and we are publishing approximately 175 newsletters to be distributed withing the neighborhood area.