Lakeland Community Association

Traffic Calming

Posted in: Mayfield
Supercity: Baltimore, MD
Zip code: 21213
Sender: Harriet Pelisek
Neighborhood: Mayfield

Just rec'd Mayfield News with Traffic Calming proposals. Am resident on Mayfield Ave. for 30 years. Spend much time at desk in front of house, 2nd floor, at computer and do not see where Mayfield Ave. needs ''traffic calming.'' If you narrow the street, what happens to our property? Taxes? Only place we see speeders is on Crossland between Erdman and Chesterfield.
Because I may be unable to attend Wednesday mtg., I would like to voice my opinions on some of your other proposals.
Constructing median on Harford Road? What do we do with the rush-hour traffic?
Beautify gateways? How about beautifying the median strips on Norman and Crossland so the Mayfield residents can enjoy them. Get people to clean up after their dogs! I do. I also have to clean up after other people's dogs before I can cut my grass!
I do agree that raising sidewalk at Lake Montebello would make it more enjoyable for the walkers so they can see the lake.
Construction of sidewalk on golf course side of Erdman Ave.? This would create a safety hazard for pedestrians. You obviously have never walked near a golf course... you tend to get struck by stray golf balls!
Painting crosswalks, in my experience, only makes the streets ugly and garish; no one pays attention to their purpose. Perfect Example = the new circle at Towson at Joppa & Dulaney Valley Rd. You take your life in your hands trying to cross in those crosswalks. If you want to slow traffic, try putting in speed bumps like they did on Lake Ave. between Chinquapin and York Rd. I NEVER DRIVE THERE ANYMORE; THEY HAVE 7 SPEED BUMPS IN THAT 3-BLOCK SPAN!
How many cars have rammed into the brick wall at Erdman & Harford?
We have a beautiful community here; let's do a better job of maintaining what we have instead of tearing it up with money that could be put to better use!
This WEB site is a great idea and our Association does an outstanding job. I am sorry I am not more involved, but I belong to several other committees whose meetings always seem to fall on the same dates as our MIA. Will try to make Wednesday mtg if at all possible.
Traffic Calming on Mayfiled

I agree 100% with the writer. I live on Erdman Ave and as far as I can see the only real traffic calming needs to be accomplished here. No one pays any attention to the speed limit. Cars, trucks, buses continously speed by my house. If any ''steet'' in Mayfield needs to be addressed it should be Erdman Ave.
I moved into my house in March and to be honest, my many focus has been on the interior and not so much on the exterior landscaping, but something I have tried to do is keep the trash along my part of the side walk cleaned up. I am constantly amazed at what I find every day! Bottles, books, paper, cans and cups. I am out there cleaning at least every other day. I am beginning to wonder where it all comes from. I have been tempted to stay up one night and catch what ever trash demon is doing this! I can't honestly understand where it all comes from! But I do belive that if the traffic was slowed down some or the police actually patrolled more often I would have less of a problem.
I am at a loss for how to stop the speeders and the trashers that come through our neighborhood. I have read reports that ''traffic calming'' is not an effective measure to employ. What it does is force the traffic off the the street where it is enforced over to some other street where it isn't.
I guess my question is has anybody from the neighborhood council talked to the city government about what measures actually work? Mayfield is a beautiful neighborhood and I enjoy living here, but I would like something done about the speeders on Erdman and all the trash that just seems to appear over night.
One last thought, this message has been posted since August with no replies other then mine. It is a disappointment that the word isn't out to the community to use this as an effective forum. It's also a disappointment that no one from the neighborhood association bothered to inform me about
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