For a list of current Board Officers and their addresses and phone numbers please click on "About our Association"
under "Association Info" on the Home Page.
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Officers Name Address Phone
President Melanie Vanlandingham 6311 Lakeshore 214-841-9060
Vice President Jennifer Neily 6238 Belmont 214-827-1663
Secretary Mark Dressendorfer 6226 Llano 214-827-1124
Treasurer Betsy Bock / Pat Galvin 6206 Llano 214-826-0202
Richmond Lana & James Self 6130 Richmond 214-827-4927
Belmont Walker Trigg 6162 Belmont 214-827-3091
Goliad VACANT - NEED REP Call to help 214-841-9060
Lakeshore Barbara Koegl 6311 Lakeshore 214-841-9060
Palo Pinto Joe Darlak 6219 Palo Pinto 214-887-6180
Velasco Terry Vandygriff 6254 Velasco 214-823-8635
Llano Mark Dressendorfer 6226 Llano 214-827-1124
Vickery Pat Galvin 6223 Vickery 214-827-1564
Vanderbilt Charlie & Cynthia Redden 6214 Vanderbilt 214-821-9704
Marquita Ed Westmeyer
6341 Marquita 214-827-0418
Monticello VACANT - NEED REP Call to help 214-841-9060