Exciting news! On June 21, 2013, the Board secured and closed on the loan necessary to fund the fence project. We have just a few more details that need to be worked out such as easements with DPU and some of the residents before we can begin the project. The fence will provide the much needed privacy for the community as well as enhance the entry way to our neighborhood.
Installation of new landscape lights are also planned as well as the painting of the entrance signs.
Many residents asked for a security camera and we are happy to report a camera system is being installed at the entrance. This added protection will help with any crime incidents and hopefully deter this type activity. Also, tapes can be viewed via the internet which is a great automated feature. Should there be any incidents or if you have any concerns, please contact the management company.
We had issues with posting on our website but as you can see they have been resolved now.
The Board has been persistently working hard to get all these projects started and completed and your support is very much appreciated. Thank you for your patience.