GRID 10 - 2 BAD GUYS - 0!! Yaay! THIS is what neighborhood crime watch is about! Tonight, two of the 'bad guys' from a local hot spot were observed trying to get into a vehicle that wasn't theirs and THEN knocking on a front door of a house and casing it... a house they clearly didn't belong to. TPD was called and they were arrested for attempted auto burglary BUT THEN they had drugs and stolen property on them. They are now in jail and a theft was prevented. Great job guys, I'm very proud of everyone involved, THIS IS HOW IT WORKS! Keep your eyes open and don't hesitate to call the police if you see ANY suspicious behavior. You KNOW who belongs where and who doesn't.. it's that simple. You see someone that doesn't belong at your neighbor's house.. call. This is what we MUST do to protect ourselves, our homes, our neighbors and our property. Keep up the great work Linebaugh Estates, good job!