Lloyd District Community Association

Neighborhood Crime

Posted in: Cully

Well good luck to you, but I am with sellisj... after all is said and done this neighborhood has been nothing but a headache for me. We have had our home burglarized, car broken into and various vandals have hit it when parked in the driveway or on the street. We have beer/wine cans bottles in the street all the time with trash etc. We are selling and getting the heck out of Dodge on this one. good luck to all that weather the storm.

By Campaign (anon)
Unsupervised teenagers

I can not tell you how many times that I have seen a group of kids walking down the street at night, pulling on every door handle of cars that they are walking by. Why are parents allowing their childern to be outside so late at night such as past 11:00pm? What kind of values are parents teaching childern these days? These car breakins are a citywide problem. My suggestion is to make sure that you do no leave anything of value in your car. Park in your garage if possible; use outside lighting around you house and garage to detour these brats from snooping around your property. Always report crime, not matter how insignificant you believe it to be. Let unfamiliar people on your street know that you are aware of them or watching them. You can stand on your porch with a phone to let someone know that they are being watched. Before going to bed at night;take a look out side as I do to check for unusual activity.

I'm feeling a little disappointed after having both of our cars prowled now -- one last month and one this month. They were parked on 47th Ave betw Killingsworth & Sumner. Moved in June '05 and no problems until just recently -- hope it's just isolated incidents and probably just tweakers needing something to hawk, but what are you gonna do? I can't afford move right now -- going to hold my ground and maybe start hitting people in the head in the middle of the night that look scummy :)
Response to Ugh

I understand your frustration of having your cars broken into; I too have been a victim of many petty crimes in this neighborhood. I have some suggestions; first,never leave anything in your car that is visible day or night; always leave a porch light on at night because this will deter some creep from sneaking about your front door because the light makes him visible. Next; always report a crime not matter who small it may be; we cannot get more police to patrol here if we do not show how bad the criminal activity is. Report abandoned autos on the street to the city on Portland so that they will be towed (503-823-7309). Also, report neglected autos in yards, parked on the grass,debris in neighbor's yards. An attractive neighborhood has a positive effect on the crime rate. For more information on this idea; go to Google and type in Broken Window Theory. Pick up trash in the street in front of your house and your lazy neighbor's houses. Good luck to you in the future.
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