I like my Extra Large ''Boat & Tote bag'' from LL Bean (www.llbean.com or 800-441-5713). This is a sturdy canvas bag which stands upright to collect material in my unit and sturdy handles to carry it downstairs. This is item #TL17543. It costs $30.00 plus $6.95 shipping. They come in 8 colors and 4 sizes (the large size is $24.00, but I prefer Ex-Large because it easily holds a newspaper flat (XL is 19x10 inches and 17 inches high, L is 17x7 1/2x15). These bags are great for other uses (like grocery shopping). These bags are great because they stand-up instead of getting all floppy (that is until you put them in the clothes washer, but my sister says you can restore the rigidity after washing by spraying them with laundry starch!)
Another option is Rubbermaid Rough Totes (available at KMart, Target, etc). They come in 10, 14, and 18 gallon sizes and a variety of colors and cost from $4-12 depending on size and current Sale activity.
Another option is Rubbermaid Rough Totes (available at KMart, Target, etc). They come in 10, 14, and 18 gallon sizes and a variety of colors and cost from $4-12 depending on size and current Sale activity.