
Posted in: Flowers of Marengo
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So what do you think about cookies? Are they helpful to your ''internet experience'', or a nuisance or a hindrance?

Perhaps you do not even know what ''cookies'' are and how they are used?

''Cookies'' are optional for most browsers and ''pay access'' internet service. ''Cookies'' often are manditory for ''free'' (paid by advertisers) internet access. Cookies are stored in a ''cookie file'' on your computer. The file can be periodically deleted, or modified with a text editor, but most software vendors advise against altering the files.

''Cookies'' are used to store your selections in a ''shoping basket'' when purchacing items from a web site. They are also used to transmit personal information, such as credit card numbers, passwords, account names, etc.

''Cookies'' may or may not be deleted from your computer when the site is done with the information.

The ''danger'' in cookies is that many advertisers share information and track the sites you visit. They keep track of the computer connection that you are using. When you make a purchase, or do something else to give ''personal information'' (age, address, phone number, E-mail, name, credit-card number?, etc.) the data base now knows what name to assign the data they have been collecting. This information is then sold to advertisers who try to solicit you based on the ''profile'' they have collected (what you visit, what you like, what you buy).

This may just mean some ''junk E-mail''. On the other hand, it may mean customised banner ads, or even phone soliciations and junk arriving in your mail box.

There also is some question what could happen if the information is sold to the wrong parties.

On the other hand, cookies do help minimise people ''impersonating'' others. Is the benifit worth the risk? Is it worthwhile to turn cookies on and off as needed?

Let us know what you think.
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