Meet at 9AM in the parking lot of
Golden Sails Inn on Pacific Coast Hwy.
(right next to Live Bait nightclub).
We will walk out on the berm with Lenny and Tim, our Los Cerritos Stewards, who will explain the birds and water life, the function of the boom, and wetlands facts. We will then load bags of trash
previously gathered into the boat, and go back for counting trash. This may help us identify non-point source polluters, the current issue before most regulatory bodies.
By Doug K
Golden Sails Inn on Pacific Coast Hwy.
(right next to Live Bait nightclub).
We will walk out on the berm with Lenny and Tim, our Los Cerritos Stewards, who will explain the birds and water life, the function of the boom, and wetlands facts. We will then load bags of trash
previously gathered into the boat, and go back for counting trash. This may help us identify non-point source polluters, the current issue before most regulatory bodies.
By Doug K