One groups solution for teen ac

Posted in: Beechmont


With the new Outpost, located next to the Highlands-Shelby Park Branch Library at Mid City Mall, young adults and teens now have a place of their own. Its 1,875 square-foot space was designed by adolescents, for adolescents, with ''youth friendly'' surroundings. Available are appropriate novels, magazines, comic books, college and career information, audio books and reference and nonfiction books. Nine computer stations with Internet access and live online homework help are featured, along with the library's first compact disk music collection of more than 600 CD's and four listening stations with headphones and a soundproof area for group study sections.
Another ''youth friendly'' project is underway. The new Louisville Extreme Sport's Park is under construction at the corner of Witherspoon and Clay Streets, adjacent to Waterfront Park. Phase-I, a 40,000 square-foot outdoor facility will open in April 2002. It includes a street course, concrete ramps, bowls, rails, stairs, and pipes. Phase-II a 20,000 square-foot indoor facility, will open in 2003 and includes wooden ramps and bowls of various depths. The park will be open 24 hours, seven days a week and there will be no charge for using the park. Log onto for more information.
Be sure to notice the recently completed Wild Parade mural by Byron Roberts, on the concrete wall at the intersection of Trevilian Way and Newburg Rd. Advertising our outstanding zoo, it features wild animals marching through a lush forest, eliminating the drab surface which attracted graffiti.
The Deer Park Neighborhood will receive 95-gallon plastic garbage roller carts in April 2002. Call 574-3797 for more information.

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