The last MENA newsletter identified the members of the current MENA Board of Directors. Their names are repeated below*. (*Current MENA Board: Chris Haney, President; Polly Sanders, Vice President; Kerry Phillips, Secretary; Cecily Hastings, Treasurer; Howard Schmidt, Land Use Chair; Michael Greene; Jim Hastings; Ken Ives; Charlie Klein; Charles Moore; Rian Toth)
It is time to elect the MENA Board of Directors for 2003 - 2004. This year?’s Board has appointed the Nominating Committee to accept nominations for the 2003 ?– 2004 Board. Members who have paid their annual dues as of 2/15/03 can offer nominations, including themselves. All nominees must be members in good standing (have paid their 2003 dues by 2/15/03).
The Committee will accept nominations through 2/15/03 for the eleven (11) seats on the Board and prepare the election ballot.
MENA members will receive ballots via the March 2003 Newsletter. Voted ballots must be received at the MENA P.O. Box and be post-marked no later than April 1 to be counted.
The Nominating Committee will count the ballots and the new Board, comprised of the eleven (11) nominees receiving the most votes, will be installed during MENA?’s East Sacramento Day on April 6.
Please use the Nominations form in this Newsletter to write in your nominations, and mail it to MENA by 2/15/03.