Be sure to mark your calendar for Saturday September 18th - anytime between 9 am and 12 pm for the 26th Annual Great American River Clean-Up.
The McKinley Elvas Neighborhood Alliance is once again co-sponsoring this endeavor and will be setting up a table for volunteers to meet at the Paradise Beach River Access location. This location is in River Park at the end of Carlson Drive at Glenn Hall Park, where MENA will be signing people in, passing out trash bags and giving each volunteer a free t-shirt.
Last year, over 1,100 volunteers participated at various river locations, removing over 2,000 bags of trash from the American River Parkway.
Please join other MENA volunteers on Saturday September 18th, in keeping the ?“Crown Jewel?” of Sacramento clean and safe - join the Great American River Clean-Up!
For more information contact MENA at 452-4592. Leave a message.