Madison Park

Satellite dishes

Posted in: Madison Park
Dish Cannot Be In Front Yards

Mr Doss:
Satellite dishes are not permitted in the setback. To locate one there, an individual would be required to get a variance from the City of Charlotte Zoning Board of Adjustment. A small satellite dish in a residential district would not require screening. The screening requirement is for larger commercial sites, such as a cell tower.

Mark Griffin

So Cannot be in front yards or on side yards of corner lots. Side yards on corner lots are look at as two front yards.

Small ones do not require screening, but larges one do.

I am requesting 311 put this topic in their system so that if you choose to call in the address you can do that and they know how to handle. This I am pretty certain will go to zoning to enforce.

Remember when you call 311 you are not required to leave your name or phone number.
311 is adding this to database

311 is adding this topic to their data base. Operators should know to direct this complaint to zoning. If not just tell them it is a zoning issue and to take down the address and send to zoning to handle. I would think once the companies putting these up have to relocate a few of these they will not continue to do this in the future.

That is great news! When I saw them go up, I thought it was a violation and I'm glad to know it will be enforced. I will call in today with the addresses I've seen. By the way, since our neighborhood has an association- Do we have covenants & restrictions? If not, is this something we can work on implementing? Thanks for all your help.

By Amanda
NO and probably will never

We do not have restrictions or covenants and in order to get them it would require 60% of all residents agreeing to something, and then the deeds would all have to be changed. This would be a great expense and probably nearly impossible.

Neighborhoods similar to ours must rely on CITY CODES and Zoning to enforce the City Ordinances. The City Codes are very extensive and for the Most Part Very Good. Enforcement on some issues only happens when someone bends Codes ear. You can see all the city codes on the Charlotte Meck. web site. Look under muni codes or do search . I learn something new everytime I research a topic!

If there is no codes on the books then one must talk to your city council members to encourage that they make an ordinance against something causing a problem. A good example is the NO Parking On Front Lawns. That all came about from neighborhoods complaining about the eye soar to the community it creates when residents park in the front yard.
Charlotte, North Carolina