Several cases of the canine flu have been reported in North Carolina, and resulted in the death of two dogs. The state has confirmed cases in Raleigh and the town of Davidson. It appears the dogs contracted the flu at dog shows held outside of North Carolina. There have been several outbreaks in southeastern states. Brenda Stevens, a veterinary professor at NC State University, says this is a new virus strain and highly contagious.
“Dogs do not have natural immunity against this virus. So it’s estimated that approximately 80 percent of dogs exposed will contract it,” says Stevens.
The canine flu is spread by coming into contact with infected dogs, things they’ve touched like water bowls, and interacting with people who have been around infected dogs.
The canine flu usually only lasts for two to three weeks but in more serious cases medications and vaccinations are available from veterinarians. Symptoms are similar to human flu cases but humans cannot contract the canine flu. Other animals such as cats, ferrets and Guinea pigs can.
Outbreak Of Canine Flu In North Carolina | WFAE 90.7 - Charlotte's NPR News Source