Mansion Farm


Posted in: Mansion Farm
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  • gmom60
  • Respected Neighbor
  • 198 Posts

If anyone wants to put in a complaint on our Mansion farm #3 you need to call 395-5555. They need to have more than one person calling or we will look at this dump forever.

  • Stock
  • not happy
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Bear, DE
  • 28 Posts

 If you get tired of looking at that dump you can always cut through phase 1 and look at a real dump of county property and the scum of a pond at honora and viscaya.Calling the county for the last 12 years has proved useless. 

as has the MFMC except the MFMC don't mind taking the phase 1 residents dues.

Phase 1 residents should STOP PAYING DUES as we get nothing from the MFMC.

If anyone wants to put in a complaint on our Mansion farm #3 you need to call 395-5555. They need to have more than one person calling or we will look at this dump forever.


Not Happy,


You have the right to be angry about the condition of the Viscaya pond and the anger needs to be directed to the county.  The board of MFMC and our pond specialist, Sylvia Simpson have been on the counties back for years.  When we contact councilman and representatives sometimes things get moving, but not all the time.  We have offered to take care of the pond, but the county won't let us because of liabilty reasons.   The board has tried and tried and many residents in phase 1 have also tried.


We will continue to try.  I hate looking at it as well.


My question to you is what benefit will this community have by you promoting others not to pay their dues?  In order to get the community to be safe from broken playground equipment, the entrance and exits kept weed free and mowed we must have the funds to work with.  The other 5 ponds, which we would get a fine for if it looked like the Viscaya pond, must be kept up.  Not paying dues is not the solution to this problem.  It will only make things worse.


Maybe the residents of phase 1 that care about the pond and the board can meet face to face with the county.  We could try that, but I insist you be part of that meeting so that we can hold the county accountable like they hold us accountable. 


Let me know if you're interested in being on this committee and if any of your neighbors would also like to join the committee.  Complaining and boycotting will get us nowhere and I do mean "US".  We are a community and what one person does effects the other 412 homes.


Looking forward to hearing from you.


Annamarie Love


For our President and Board Members,


I certainly agree the County's maintenance of ponds is far below the standards applied to private communities. And being residents of Phase 1, I absolutely disagree with the person who thinks Phase 1 is being cheated on paying dues. That being said, let's move to the subject at hand.


I have queried the Board on different occasions over recent years with regard to the sad state of Pond #1. Mostly before Sylvia's return as a member. It has always seemed that the Board was reluctant to use all the tools at it's disposal. Specifically, the 800 or so votes represented by 412 homes. We all know votes are the best, and often only, way to get the attention of elected officials.


Right now there is a 4-way battle for the Democratic candidate to run for County Executive. I'm quite sure Paul Clark is not willing to cast away 800 potential voters in a close election. Even more so for our County Councilman. Now would be the perfect time for the President and Board to present strongly worded written correspondence to the appropriate officials. Beyond that, the News Journal might well be interested in comparing the County's pond to our community's.


Being nice and meeting with representatives won''t solve this problem. Only strong action can. If our President can direct her attention to the right people, I believe progress can be made.

                   Steve Kowalchuk, former President

Bear, Delaware 19701