Mansion Farm


Posted in: Mansion Farm
Why do we continue to go with the same landscaping company every season?? I pull the weeds from the parking pad near my house and they have mulched around the same dead shrubs in the pad for 3 years. Either get a decent landscaping company that will do the work or I will take my labor hrs off my dues next yr. This pad is right next to my home and dead shrubs and weeds look terrible for what I pay in dues for a townhouse!!!!! FIX IT!!!
  • Stock
  • mscalley
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 30 Posts

Hello Townhouse Neighbor,


My name is Mary Scalley and I am on the Groundskeeping Committee.  The Committee would be happy to have you on our committee to help us when it is time to get the contracts together for next year.  Your insite on what is going on in the townhouse community would be very valuable to us.  Our committe usually meets 4 times a year.  Please contact me at  I look forward to hearing from you.


Mary Scalley



Hi Mary, I will attend the next meeting. As far as the committee goes, I'm not sure how that relates to me pulling weeds and doing their job for them? If the response was intended as "if you don't like what we're doing, do it yourself" type thing, then it might be time to let someone else volunteer that has more of a passion for the neighborhood landscaping. Not everyone has time to volunteer and maybe you don't either, but if we are paying $150 a year for Maintenance dues then we have a right to voice when the work isn't completed correctly. Clairborne had dbl the amt of open land and swails and maintained it beautifully for $85 a year. They don't even have townhouses. Not trying to insult the board, but clearly, you start turning a blind eye to the weeds and dead bushes, do you want to live next to that after paying hefty fees??? No so I weed it myself, but maybe I will let them grow and the "landscaping committee" can look at what we pay for. I pay and weed, now I should volunteer? How about hiring competence???

I'm with townhouse owne. These guys are get what you pay for. Who was the other company-Wilcox? Their boys were on the job first thing in the morning and got it done at normal hours. I never heard any complaints other than they were expensive but I haven't been here that long either. I am willing to raise the dues to 300 or 350 a year to make sure we  get the Wilcox- like service we all deserve.  Places I lived in South Dakota and Kentucky used to charge me over 100  a month. but you had a real nice community feeling, with amenities, like parties and a pool and a community horseshoe pit. Maybe we should think about that. That would make this place even better.I know I rather be tossing horseshoes than weeding parking pads.

Bear, Delaware 19701