Mansion Farm

Trees on Robert Peoples Blvd

Posted in: Mansion Farm
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  • Blassie
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A word of caution, the Bradford Pears Trees on Mansion Farms side of road island look as some of the branches could break.  I would keep to the right on the road.  These are beauitful trees but should be pruned to keep there "pear" shape...just a thought.

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  • gmom60
  • Respected Neighbor
  • 198 Posts

Maybe call De Dot? They might come out & take care of it.

DelDot has informed us that the trees are not their responsibility! After repeated attempts to find out exactly who owns the property the trees are on, we are now waiting for help from Nicole Poore??™s office to answer that question. Since the Mansion Farm property does not start until the sign after the curve onto Mansion Farm Drive, it is beginning to look like the property is owned by Caravel Woods, but we need actual verification before anything can be done. The development that owns the property will be responsible for the upkeep and eventual replacement (the tree-life on this variety is already past its expiration date) so this issue WILL need to be settled eventually. I will try to post something once I get an answer.
We have gotten clarification from Nicole Poore??™s office that the trees that line RC Peoples Blvd belong to Caravel Woods! They are not the responsibility of Mansion Farm!
Bear, Delaware 19701